Mental health challenges at the intersection of gender and race

notes on the experience of a poor, emotionally intelligent black woman, single mother, in “Quarto de Despejo”




Emotional intelligence, Social invisibility, Black women's literature, intersectionality


This study investigated intersectionality and its relationship with mental health, focusing on the protagonist of the book "Quarto de Despejo" by Carolina Maria de Jesus. Using an intersectional approach, it examined how being a Black woman, single mother, low-income, and emotionally intelligent impacts her mental health in the face of the adversities of extreme poverty. Methods such as textual analysis, literature review, and historical and sociocultural contextualization were employed to understand the impact of the work. The qualitative research revealed Carolina's emotional competencies, such as resilience, empathy, and self-motivation. The importance of the intersectional approach in understanding mental health was emphasized, underscoring the need for policies sensitive to sociocultural diversities. Carolina Maria de Jesus's work highlights the significance of representation in literature, giving a voice to marginalized communities and prompting reflections on social inequalities. This study aims to contribute to a fair, equitable, and respectful society that values the coping and resilience strategies of Black women, single mothers, and those with low income.

Author Biography

Jeferson Luis Lima da Silva, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Specialist in Applied Human and Social Sciences (UFPI) and Socio-emotional Intelligence (FAVENI). He has a degree in Sociology (Unicesumar) and History (Uniasselvi). Teacher in Basic Education and Higher Education.


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