The presence of black women in brazilian public universities

whom are we talking about?




Mulheres, Universidade Pública, Tríplice Jornada, Equidade de Gênero, Brasil


One of the questions involved in this article is how can we observe the evolution of the presence of women in Brazilian public universities, considering the challenges and achievements over the years? The general objective of this study is to analyze the presence of women in Brazilian public universities, highlighting their challenges, achievements and evolution over time. The research shows that as women face the triple journey (unpaid domestic work, paid work and academic studies), they face additional obstacles in their academic and personal lives. Gender equity initiatives can be effective in promoting greater female participation in Brazilian public universities. This study used a qualitative approach, analyzing data from higher education institutions in Brazil, including public universities. The results of this discussion reveal a significant improvement in the presence of women in Brazilian public universities over the years. However, many still face challenges in reconciling the triple journey. Gender equity initiatives have had a positive impact, facilitating greater female participation. This study has profound implications for both the academic and social contexts. It highlights the continuing need to promote gender equity in higher education and to create more inclusive environments for women. It highlights the importance of policies and initiatives that can help women overcome the challenges of the triple journey and achieve academic success. The research contributes to the debate on gender equality and serves as a basis for formulating more inclusive and equitable educational policies.

Author Biography

Douglas Manoel Antonio De Abreu Pestana Dos Santos, Universidade Ibirapuera

É Psicanalista. Pedagogo, Bacharel em Administração e Licenciado em Artes Visuais. Atualmente é Membro da Cátedra Otavio Frias Filho de Estudos em Comunicação, Democracia e Diversidade USP/IEA. Sócio(a) da SBPC Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. Membro da Rede Nacional da Ciência para a Educação- CPe.


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