The school trajectory of a character in formation

Sérgio and the Ateneu




Raul Pompeia, Educação, Escola, Sociedade moderna


From the sociological analysis of Raul Pompeia's "The Athenaea" written at the end of the 19th century. XIX, this essay aims to raise reflections about the role of the school in the formation of individual character and personality, through the construction of the social being. We analyze the pedagogical trends described in the literary work, as well as the concepts of society and education disseminated by it. A close relationship with humanist conceptions, although bourgeois and Eurocentric, of educational process and scientific knowledge is noted. The literary character of the work allows an intimate access to the subjective universe of the student confined in this boarding school and specific social and historical context in which the work unfolds.

Author Biography

Jordanna Fonseca Silva, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Doutoranda em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB


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