The use of the Sociological Portrait as a resource to observe the social conditions necessary for the manifestation of the “taste” for art.

Um retrato sociológico de um jovem artista




cultural capital, dispositions, Lahire, Bordieu, middle class


This article seeks, through the application of the “sociological portrait” methodology, as suggested by Bernard Lahire, to observe the genesis of the dispositions and taste practices of a young middle-class artist from Recife. Lahire proposes thinking with and against Bourdieu to reflect on the incorporated social, thus, through this work, we intend to build a dialogue between the two authors in order to reflect on Bourdieu's contributions regarding his criticism of the charismatic ideology that perceives the cultural “taste” practices as if they were innate to individuals. With this dialogue, we will proceed to investigate how the aesthetic dispositions for art consumption and practice are the result of effort and investments, and not the simple manifestation of an individual “gift”.

Author Biography

Bernardo Fortes de Moura Arruda, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (PPGS/UFPB).


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